- Services & Products Info
- Orders
- Payment
- Technical Support & Installation
- Warranty & Maintenance
SECOM’s comprehensive range of high-end security equipment can be checked by clicking this link. Our Services, Our Product & Systems.
We provide 2 options:
– SECOM provides monitoring service by our Control Center only, or
– SECOM Control Center monitoring services plus SECOM mobile smart application ( App store & Play store )
We keep the most noteworthy standard of our Security Guards by following SECOM Japan and Indonesia Police training standards.
And the training for all of our Security guards located in Ciawi, Bogor.
Guides with general recommendations are available on Our Service & Our Products & Systems pages to help determine your best fit. We also provide Security Consulting services where our professional team will perform a risk audit for your site and then create a comprehensive security solution for you.
If you need additional assistance please. Contact Us
Available items cannot be cancelled or modified once the order been placed. Contact us immediately if you have some concerns.
You may require down payments as 50% from your purchase order.
After the installation of the contemplated project is complete, you will be charged for the completion payment. Normally, this payment will be charged 1 month depending on the scheduled commissioning date.
No, we don’t offer an installment plan.
Back-Order items are products that are currently out of stock and not immediately available. We do our best to estimate when it will be available, but the backorder date can sometimes change, can potentially arrived sooner or later than estimated.
If the equipment from your purchase and your premises are ready, we are doing the installation as soon as possible. But if some of the equipment from your purchase is not available ( Back-Order items ) we have to wait for the equipment to arrive based on stock deliverance. The actual installation work period depends on the type of system and security plan.
This depends on the terms and conditions of each product. Several items are not available for updates or replacement. Please Contact Us for further information.
Once Control Center team receive the signal, our team will call you and guide you to solve the problem. If the error still occurs, our Control Center will create a request form (quotation) for our technician to visit your location.
If your location happened to be outside Jabodetabek/Surabaya area, we will arrange further appointment schedule.
As soon as possible depends on the schedule agreement.
Some products have specific written guarantees and/or warranties. In those cases, detailed information will be included on the warranty card/delivery confirmation.
The warranty policy covers differently for each product/service. The salesperson will explain at the beginning. Normally, the warranty period is one year.
If you need maintenance assistance please Contact Us